Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Baseball Celebrity Lookalikes: May the 4th Be With You Edition

So in honour of May the 4th, we have the obligatory John Olerud - C3P0 comparison and it is absolutely fitting, because out of all baseball players, I would consider Olerud to exemplify the most etiquette and protocol both at the plate and on the field at 1st base.
Jose Molina seems to compute all the different permutations when it comes to pitch selection to get the most out of Brandon Morrow, so R2D2 would be an apt comparison.
And last but not least, Bud Selig and The Emperor. Need I say more...?


  1. So are the Yankees Bud's Death Star?

    (I can't think of a better example right now).

  2. No it'd be the Brewers (he used to own them)...
